Slate Week

“Bring me your liars, your whores; your huddled bastards yearning to breed greed.” The Statue of Liberty must be cringing on her pedestal right now. I apologize to all immigrants for our sad excuse for a president. This is not who we are.

It’s been a pretty turbulent time for America, with the new administration stirring up a big ol’ melting pot of bigotry and lies. Like many artists, I’ve found solace in the studio.

Maybe because something good has to come out of the mayhem, this week has given birth to some new slate paintings. Slate is a great surface to paint on. The surface holds the acrylic nicely, drying quickly and offers a tremendous contrast with a coat of varnish. The surface offers idiosyncratic cracks and ridges that can be worked into each piece. One of the nice things about slate is the ease of display when the painting is complete. A couple of holes drilled can lead to a creative type of hanger — beaded yarn or barbed wire or my old fallback, baling twine.

This group includes mainly farm animals, and for some reason, a snow leopard. Which one of these… Does not… Be LONG…. I am sure the snow leopard happened because I was thinking about the EPA and endangered species.

Some of these are available in my Etsy Shop.










About Nancy J. Bailey

Artist, author, bad karaoke singer. Woodsy ragamuffin. Mom of a horse named Clifford who plays fetch and paints with watercolors. He visits libraries and schools with me, to promote literacy and making the world a better place. Yes, he is house trained, no, he doesn't live in my house! I have written three books about Clifford. But my newest book, THE NORTH SIDE OF DOWN, is co-written by my awesome sister Amanda, who has Down syndrome. Her unexpected one-liner wisecracks can always make me laugh. If you make me laugh, you've made my day!
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